Thursday, December 7, 2023

Whistleblower Says UFO Coverup is Unlikely

Edward Snowden is perhaps the most wanted fugitive on American government lists.  He is currently in self-imposed exile in Russia.  His supposed crime was to reveal unlawful surveillance of innocent Americans by the NSA / CIA etc.  Fearing that he would be "disappeared" or "suicided" by the government, he fled from the US.  He was asked in an interview whether he had discovered any government secrets about UFOs.

"Snowden claimed that it was very unlikely the United States government could be hiding information about alien life. He went on, “I had ridiculous access to the networks of the NSA, the CIA, the military — all these groups. I couldn’t find anything. So, if it’s hidden, and it could be hidden, it’s hidden really damn well — even from people who are on the inside.”

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Had A Revelation About The Moon Landings (

Thursday, November 16, 2023

If They are not Aliens, We Have a Big Problem

  ‘we’ve got a big national security problem and we’ve got a big flight safety, operational safety problem’.

Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, who is stepping down as director of the US Department of Defense’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), was asked if he thinks his office could identify something extraterrestrial.

'Diminishing probability' of aliens on Earth is 'not a good thing', Pentagon UFO boss says (

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Is This the Final Word on UFOs?

Let’s cut right to the chase.  If there are highly advanced technological civilizations on other planets, capable of sending spacecraft to Earth, there is nothing we can do about them.  We cannot detect them if they wish to avoid detection.  We cannot defend ourselves against them if they attack. 

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke

Given that the supposed alien invaders have not attacked, we are left with three possibilities:

1.            There are no aliens.

2.            There are aliens who would attack us, but they are unable to attack, perhaps because they have not detected us.

3.            There are aliens, but they do not wish to attack.

If #2 is correct, then it is only a matter of time before we are doomed, unless we can somehow develop technology as advanced as theirs, before they find us.  This seems unlikely, since they would likely have already found us if they exist.  Even if they do exist, there may be laws of physics which inherently make interplanetary attacks impossible.  In any case, it seems that we have no immediate worries, unless somewhere, a warlike alien civilization is on the verge of developing the ability to attack us.  In that unlikely case, we have no defense.

If #3 is correct, then we may be very fortunate indeed, but also, we are completely at their mercy.  If the aliens are benevolent, or perhaps indifferent to our well-being, then we are very fortunate indeed.  On the other hand, a wide-ranging variety of conditions might be possible, some of which might be unimaginable to us.

For example, they could have sinister motives which do not involve overtly attacking us.  For example, they could be using us for experiments.  Those experiments might involve the horror of individuals being dissected in their laboratories.  On the other hand, those experiments could involve only passive observation, with little or no interference.  There are too many possibilities to mention.

There is, however, one overriding factor which gets too little attention.  If indeed, the aliens have technology which would seem to us magical, then the usual science-fiction motives for their attacking us disappear.  Do they need our planet to live on?  No, they could manufacture one to meet their exact needs.  Do they need our water, or minerals, or other resources?  No, they could manufacture them.  Do they need to eat us for food?  Ridiculous; they could synthesize their own food.

In short, “sufficiently advanced” aliens would have no need of us except to observe us to gain esoteric knowledge.  Yes, perhaps some of that would involve the horror of abduction and vivisection, but they would need very few individuals to gain complete knowledge of our biophysical nature.  By now, they have completed that phase long ago.  Mostly, they would just observe us from afar, to study how our society works, much as we might observe creatures in nature.

The final word, however, is that there is no final word, precisely because they are aliens.  Their ways of thinking, their motives and their methods, are likely unimaginable to us.  It is possible, even hopeful, that they are benevolent, wishing us no harm, and perhaps even stepping in to help us now and then.  Possible, yes, but not likely.  At best, they might be utterly indifferent to us, as we might be to ants in a vacant lot.  If they are warlike, they likely have no reason to attack us, but if they do, we would never know what hit us.  Zap, it would all be over in an instant.

The UFO phenomenon, for these reasons, is probably best explained by something that does not involve space aliens.  What might that be?  Most likely, it is something that we cannot imagine.


Saturday, July 1, 2023

UFOs: Beginning with the Credible, but then What?

UFOs:  Beginning With the Credible, How Far Can We Believe Them? 

for American Thinker 

by Robert Arvay 

In the past ten years or so, the UFO phenomenon has moved out of the realm of science-fiction.  News stories now involve government admissions of actual cases. 

As we evaluate those cases, we begin by making entirely plausible conclusions from ordinary evidence.  Then, we gradually progress into somewhat uncertain areas, then by degrees into precarious speculation, and finally, into the seemingly preposterous.  Weirdly, it is difficult to find the exact line which divides the plausible from the preposterous.  Where is that line?  Could it possibly be—possibly—that the preposterous conclusions are more accurate than we would like them to be?  Or, are they impossible? 

Let's start with the more believable elements of the UFO story, and proceed in steps to the less believable, even the unbelievable, and try to find where accepted theory finally abandons reality—if it does. 

It is widely accepted that the universe is large enough that there are possibly—even probably, almost certainly—advanced alien civilizations somewhere in the cosmos.  This is an entirely reasonable hypothesis, so much so that most scientists shrug their shoulders at its normalcy.  The general public seems to accept the idea as fact.  We do not panic at the thought.


Our departure from plausibility enters its next gradual step when we hear news reports of UFO sightings.  For decades, expert witnesses, including pilots, and radar operators, have risked their careers and reputations by offering eye-witness testimony about what they saw.  In any given, particular case, however, at least a little doubt can creep in.  What was that shiny light in the sky?  Was it an optical illusion?  Or was it really a space-ship from Mars?  We need more data. 

There the matter stood for about fifty years, and everybody had a theory.  It was just swamp gas.  It was aliens.  It was an ordinary airplane. 

Then came the release, by the government, of actual video evidence, and eye-witness testimony, from the USS Nimitz, USS Princeton and USS Roosevelt.  The videos and testimony, both ship-board and from aircraft, are strong evidence that SOMETHING unknown is in our skies.  What are they?  These incidents force us to make one or more of some very uncomfortable conclusions:  either something is very wrong with our surveillance capabilities, AND with our pilots' observational skills, or else, they really did detect something of an extraordinary nature—extraordinary but unexplained. 

Once again, we’ve reached a standstill.  The government promised to “study the matter.”  Well, we’ve all heard that before.  It means, we’ll get back to you, sometime, in the future, maybe.  Okay, never. 

Enter a growing number of “whistleblowers,” credible witnesses, government employees, who are using provisions in legislation to protect themselves from retaliation—retaliation for releasing classified information to members of Congress—members who legally have access to that information, but have not been given it. 

It is here that the reports get really murky.  Congress has constitutional responsibility to oversee government agencies, including secret agencies, to ensure that they are serving the Republic, and not abusing it.  The problem is that those agencies will not voluntarily disclose anything that could embarrass them, or worse yet, incriminate them.  Heck, the FBI even refuses to disclose unclassified information about White House corruption, despite that the law requires its release. 

Secrecy about UFOs, unwarranted at best, illegal at worst, has led to the truly unbelievable aspects of the UFO phenomenon.  Some have alleged that some of the secret, compartmentalized agencies of the government have closed themselves off from any scrutiny.  A term for that is, “going rogue.”  We can be reasonably sure that this does in fact happen.  The question is one of degree.  How bad is the situation?  How can we prove any one instance of it? 

Some are alleging that the degree is unconstitutional, even criminal, and worse than all that, an actual attempt at usurpation (overthrow) of governmental authority.  Could it really be that bad? 

Senator Daniel Inouye (1924 – 2012), Medal of Honor recipient, actually alleged that there is a “shadowy government” that sometimes overrides the official, constitutional government of the United States.  This shadow government, according to others, is able to obtain crashed UFOs, secretly analyze them, and reverse-engineer flying prototypes that are sometimes reported as UFOs. 

From there, the allegations get ever more bizarre, including reports of emissaries from other planets. 

It seems utterly preposterous to think that this could really happen, and more preposterous yet that it could happen without leaks.  Unless, of course, the leaks are finally getting underway. 

Stay tuned. 


Friday, June 30, 2023

If It's UNBELIEVABLE, then maybe we should not BELIEVE IT

Marine Breaks 14-Year Silence on UFOs with Incredible Tale - Page Traveler

The site linked above has two videos.  The first one is spectacular but IMO doubtful. The second one is far from spectacular in its initially dull presentation, but after a time, it begins to potentially explain a large portion of the UFO Paradox.  As of this writing, I have not watched the entire video, because it is over 3 hours long, and I have the urge to say something in the meantime.

The main gist is that our government, and perhaps others, has retrieved crashed UFOs--interstellar extra-terrestrial spacecraft, along with dead aliens.

Moreover, we have somehow shot down some of these spacecraft.

Whoa.  That is way beyond belief, except that, once we begin to dig down, a lot of things do begin to make sense--IF--if we can believe the Air Force officer, and other highly placed people who speak in the video.

Now we get into the barely believable, except again, it explains a lot, if it is true.

At some point after World War Two, early 1950s, government entities became highly compartmentalized.  This means that small parts of the government kept secrets from the President and the Congress.  They do so to this day.  And they have become rogue agencies, escaping oversight and control by Congress.  They are, therefore, illegal, unconstitutional, and dangerous.  Subversive, even.

One of the secrets they keep involves UFOs.

Okay, SOMEHOW, at least one of those small offices discovered something about UFOs, namely, that they sometimes crash.  And more somehow, they were able to recover artefacts that are clearly made by intelligent beings not of this earth.

That is the part that makes me skeptical.  How could all of this have happened, AND been kept secret?

Okay, let's hypothesize that it happened.  If it did, then some super-secret agencies have partially mastered the alien technology of UFOs.  Therefore, they have manufactured mock-ups that evade our normal ability to detect them.  Our military is not in on the secret.

Getting more unbelievable is the report that some aliens have negotiated with our super-secret agencies.  That report says that the aliens are not hostile to us.  Very well, but why have they not been more public in their contacts?  That part of the UFO Paradox remains enigmatic.

This is all I will write for now.  I'll watch more of the video.  I remain open-minded, but highly skeptical for now.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I finished watching the three-hour video, which includes within it the first video.

I remain skeptical, but puzzled.  There seems always just enough evidence to offer a degree of credibility to the claims, but at the same time, enough discrepancy to make one reject the overall story.

The overall story is that there is a "shadow government" that has in its possession crashed UFOs and other artefacts made by an "off-world" technology.  Furthermore, this shadow government has corpses of aliens that crew the UFOs.  Not only that, but the shadow government has contact with aliens.  These contacts are in the nature of emissaries.

Let's start with the more believable elements of the story, and proceed in steps to the less believable, even the unbelievable.

The existence of secret government agencies is entirely credible.  These agencies keep secrets, even from each other.  The 9/11/2001 atrocity might have been prevented had the CIA and FBI been permitted to share information.  Even when they are permitted, there are internecine power struggles as members of each agency seek to increase their power.  Knowledge is power, and keeping secrets gives one an advantage over competing power-seekers.  It's a tangled web that government weaves.

Next, we look at the evidence for physical artefacts made by advanced technology not of this earth.  That evidence is weak, so far as concerns the public, and Congress and the Administrative branch of government.  They seem not to have hard evidence in their possession.  However, what little evidence there is has not yet been adequately explained.  Many hundreds of credible reports, including expert eye-witness accounts, corroborated by radar detections, and especially the released reports of the USS Nimitz, USS Princeton and USS Roosevelt encounters are strong evidence that SOMETHING is in our skies.  Either something is very wrong with our surveillance capabilities, AND with our pilots' observational skills, or else, they really did detect something of an extraordinary nature--extraordinary but unexplained.

Finally, we get to the part of the story that is not only difficult to believe, but which has gaping holes in it.  The idea that a shadow government can capture, develop and fly UFOs, or good imitations of them, and keep this secret for decades, seems preposterous.  Yes, government did develop nuclear weapons in 1945, and kept them secret until they were used.  Hundreds of people were involved, and as far as we know, there were no substantial leaks.

However, eventually, two enemy spies (the Rosenbergs) did reveal the secrets to Russia, and were put to death for doing so.  Secrets of that magnitude do not remain secret forever.

The accounts of large numbers of military-equipped men moving in quickly, removing evidence of crashed UFOs, and taking them to secret locations where the artefacts are studied--all of this over decades with no substantial leaks--seems implausible at best.  That is the stuff of James Bond movies.

Perhaps the greatest mystery is, why are so many, otherwise credible, people making such claims?  Are they simply mistaken?  Have they been deceived?  Are they delusional?  Are they trying to make money from such claims?  Why do they risk their reputations and careers in this manner?

According to the video linked above, matters are reaching a breaking point, and the truth will soon be made known to the public.  That truth may be disappointing to the "true believers," and the UFO cultists.  If there is a bit more evidence, we may find confirmation of a very small grain of the overall story, perhaps an artefact or two of an ancient visitation, but nothing that would create a paradigm shift.

If there really are exo-civilizations--a very reasonable hypothesis indeed--then it is highly likely that at some point, we will have proof of that, with or without actual contact--after which, our entire culture might enter a new phase of history.

For now, caution and reason are the best course.



Friday, June 23, 2023

Senator Says Government is Not Forthcoming About UFOs

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said this week that the U.S. government has "downplayed, if not kept from the public," reports about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

Hawley's comments came shortly after U.S. Air Force officer and former intelligence official David Grusch claimed that the government has found evidence of "non-human" wreckage that has been concealed from the public.

"The number of these is apparently huge," Hawley said on NewsNation. "And that is something that the government has, the best I can say about it, downplayed, if not kept from the public, for a long, long time."

Hawley said he can't "evaluate" Grusch's claims, but said that some details "sound plausible."

"I don't have any basis to evaluate them, but do some of the details that he's alleging, do they sound plausible? Yeah, sure. They sound plausible, based on what I've seen this government do in other instances," Hawley said.

Hawley later said Grusch is "saying that the government knows more about this than they have previously let on. That doesn't really surprise me. Because it looks to me like the government has been tracking these UAPs for a long time now, and has not been saying much about it."

Hawley also said: "What we learned from the Chinese spy balloon incident is that one part of the government actively concealed it from other parts of the government. Because that's what they do all the time."

Ancillary video is at

Sen. Hawley: Government 'Downplayed' UFO Reports |

Saturday, June 10, 2023


There are several anecdotes in UFO literature, dating back as far as the 1950s, which describe incidents in which reporters were told amazing stories of UFOs by government officials.  Whenever the reporter followed standard journalistic procedures, he would ask for corroboration--proof, if you will.  The tipster would then promise that proof would be presented the next day, but would also say, this is your chance to get the scoop, so publish it now.  Hurry.

The "proof" never came, and those reporters who fell for the trap were discredited.  Subsequent claims by qualified observers, such as pilots, radar operators and the like, could then be lumped in with the discredited reports, using the tactic of guilt by association.  The public would be deceived.

The tactic of disinformation is always a potential threat to any honest reporter. 

Some UFO news items seem clearly authentic, such as the famous USS Nimitz, Roosevelt and Princeton reports, with video tapes of fighter-pilot and shipboard radar recordings.  The US Navy eventually stated that the recordings are legitimate.

However, the Navy never verified the interpretations of those videos.  Indeed, some experts stated that there were explanations that do not involve any actual, extraordinary objects.  The software involved with the recordings seemed to have been fairly new at the time, and as any software expert can tell you, brand new software can have glitches.  The implication, and sometimes explicit claim, is that software and/or hardware malfunctions are the best explanation for the Nimitz (etc.) UFOs.

Those claims do not, of course, explain the "eyeball" sightings that several pilots, in several instances, have reported, sometimes at risk to their careers.  Those reports add credibility to the alien UFO interpretation.

By far the most spectacular, recent UFO news story (published here on AT) involves a claim, as yet unverified, that the US has in its possession, certain manufactured materials, recovered from UFO crashes or landings, that cannot have been made by humans.  If this claim proves to be true, then it involves the most significant, paradigm-shifting event in human history:  contact with an off-world, nonhuman civilization.

There is, of course, ample reason for serious skepticism about the claim of off-world materials.  Is this another case of deliberate deception?  Is it yet another trap?

The UFO/UAP phenomenon has many inconsistencies and even paradoxes.  One of them is that UFOs seem to attempt to avoid detection, yet despite their astoundingly advanced technology, get detected anyway--if indeed those detections are authentic.  Our own stealth aircraft, primitive as they are, are stealthier than the supposed aliens.

If the UFOs are not seeking to avoid detection, then verified sightings, proof, should be as commonplace as sightings of meteors, or more so.  They are not.  Thus, we have an unexplained paradox.

It seems that left-leaning news outlets are not reporting about UFOs as they did until recently.  Some have suggested that the government is seeking to trap conservative reporters and commentators, to destroy their credibility, advising the others to steer clear.  

The saying made famous by the fictional X-Files TV show is that, "The truth is out there."  Indeed it is, but so are deceivers, and in great numbers.


Friday, June 9, 2023

Police Spy Something Fall from Sky Moments Before 911 Call About 'Aliens' In Viral Video

I usually do not post items like this, but in this case, police witnessed an object fall from the sky, found the witnesses to be "normal" people, and local news made this report.  As to what really happened, I draw no conclusion at this time.

Click this link--video included:

Police Spy Something Fall from Sky Moments Before 911 Call About 'Aliens' (

Bodycam footage shows the object fall to Earth, before nervous police respond to a 911 call about 10-foot tall "alien" with "shiny eyes."

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Most Aliens May Be Artificial Intelligence, Not Life as We Know It

 Most Aliens May Be Artificial Intelligence, Not Life as We Know It - Scientific American

Human intelligence may be just a brief phase before machines take over. 

three things about the entities that SETI searches could reveal:

1.  They may not be organic or biological.

2. They may not remain on the surface of the planet where their biological precursors lived.

3. We may not be able to fathom their motives or intentions.


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

New whistleblower insists UFOs have landed here and the US government has them

 New whistleblower insists UFOs have landed here and the US government has them - American Thinker

An Air Force veteran and former member of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency is coming forward with information on what he claims are extraterrestrial craft recovered and kept secret by the U.S. government.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Durham (sarcasm enabled) Report on UFOs

for American Thinker 
by Robert Arvay 

One of the headlines at Space dot Com says, “UFOs will remain mysterious without better data, NASA study team says.” Well, duh (sarcasm), what a disclosure. Who would have thought that better data is needed? 

There were signs early on that the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) was not going to finally get around to a long-awaited, full-throated research effort regarding UFO / UAP phenomena.

Disappointingly, the official descriptions of the office, while at least calling attention to the potential seriousness of such phenomena, has the appearance of yet one more paper-pushing “alphabet” bureaucracy. It seems more interested in keeping 9-to-5 hours than being prepared to be called out of bed at 3 AM to respond on scene to an incident. Ho hum. 

This is in stark contrast to the sense of urgency displayed by the “men in blue” who descended (by helicopter) onto US Navy aircraft carriers (Nimitz and Roosevelt) to confiscate all audio-visual recordings associated with detections of unexplainable aerial phenomena by crew members of those ships. 

Those incidents reflect quick-time, no-nonsense responses by a secretive government force that is highly interested in the sightings, and motivated to conceal them from the public—even silencing witnesses. 

AARO has also restricted its scope to current UFO sightings, and rejected calls to look into some rather spectacular sightings that have occurred in earlier years. The Davis-Montham Air Force Base Incident of 1952 is but one of many which cry out for explanation. 

True, we should not expect a complete overhaul of every past UFO event, but on the other hand, at least keeping a file on the most significant of them, for reference, is the least one would expect from an agency assigned to investigate what may eventually turn out to be the most world-changing encounter in human history. 

AARO seems utterly disinterested in doing that, or in applying the most basic and effective investigative tools at its disposal. Oh, look, here’s another interesting sighting report that just came in. See, we’re doing a good job. Now, where can we put this one? 

Of course, we cannot be sure of what is going on behind closed doors in Congress. There are unsubstantiated reports that, in secret hearings, some members of Congress have been, what is the word, shocked, amazed, worried? The question arises, why would government not tell us what it knows, or at least has evidence, about UFOs? 

The stock answer is, “national security.” Okay, that may be true, but in an environment in which government agencies blatantly lie to us about matters concerning only their own career security, the public is fully justified in being skeptical. 

The Air Force is understandably not eager to confess to the public that there are Chinese spy balloons in our skies, balloons that were brought to their attention only by nonmilitary people, and then which, it failed to shoot down while they could have been recovered on land, with reporters present. How embarrassing. 

How much less is the government willing to say, yes, there are unidentified aircraft in our skies, which exhibit capabilities that we do not have, and cannot get? Would we all panic if the government said, the best explanation, considering all the known facts, is that these craft are from another planetary civilization? 

I am not, of course, saying that any such thing is the case. I am merely saying that I find it odd that the federal government seems comparatively nonchalant about what is potentially the most paradigm-shifting set of events in human history.